“Three Hills Drag Race” SITE Rules
Three Hills Drag Races would like to welcome everyone to the drag races. We need your cooperation for the event to run smoothly, so please follow the rules!
Due to insurance coverage Electric vehicles will not be allowed to race at our event.
*FM Transmission: Please check at registration for today’s frequency. Listen in your trailer or vehicle to hear all of the announcements for Class Staging as well as our announcers’ antics!
*Smoking: Smoking will be allowed in designated areas ONLY as this is a Public Event. Please be courteous and dispose of your butts properly so that we will have access to the Airport Grounds for this event in future.
*Tech: Please register and pay cash or credit card at the registration table located at the Racers Entrance. Fill out your tech card fully, sign it and have ready to hand over to the tech inspectors. There will be many other racers around to help you with your card if this is your first race. The tech inspectors have the LAST SAY! Any arguing with them and you will be asked to leave the event. Please note: Be prepared to unfold and repack your parachute during tech inspection.
*Safety: Please keep all safety gear, including seatbelts on until you have parked at your pit, walk to timing area for your time slip. Please be aware of spectators that will enter pit area.
*Speed: The speed limit in the pits is 10km/h, no exceptions! Any speeding or tire spinning other than at the burn out box or start line and you will be immediately asked to load your vehicle and leave the premises.
*Dial In Times: Can be changed up to the second car from the Burn out Box. Please refrain from changing Dial in Times once you are past this area. It is too hard for the tower to change it once you are past this line.
*Buybacks: Depending on weather, we may have the option of Buybacks this year; you will learn more at the drivers meeting before the races.
*Alcohol: Absolutely NO alcohol is to be consumed in the pit areas. If you are caught, you will be asked to leave. Drivers, You will also be asked to leave if any member of your crew is caught with open liquor.
*Pits: We are expecting a lot of cars this year and pit space will be at a premium; please don’t take more room than is really needed. We will be monitoring the pits and you may be asked to move in tighter. Please pit out of the back of your trailer if possible to ensure that everyone has a spot in the pits. Please use a spotter if possible when backing out so that we don’t have any accidents.
* No Campfires or Fireworks at the airport.
* No Passengers for time trials or Racing.
*Watch out for air traffic control lights along the edge of the runway. They are fenced off but still easily damage.
- Stay out of the fenced/roped off areas. We would like to be able to use this facility for future races so please show respect for the area.
- Keep your stall clean, there are garbage’s throughout the grounds, please use them so we can have access to this venue next year.
- Dogs must be on leashes at all times and again please ensure that you clean up after them.
- Quads and bike operators must be at least 16 years of age and the pit speed limit applies to them as well. If you are caught tearing up the grass on a quad or bike you will be asked to leave.
- Please respect the people and vehicles around you so everyone has a safe and enjoyable time here.
Any questions, comments or complaints can be directed to the members of the Three Hills Drag Race committee. They will then put you in touch with the proper person to resolve the problem for you. We are all volunteers taking time off from work to put on a fun weekend of Racing and Hot Rodding, so please show us some respect when conveying a complaint.
On behalf of the Three Hills Drag Race committee, Thank you for your support. Without you there would be no point in putting on this event.
Please Stay SAFE and Have FUN!
“Three Hills Drag Race” Bracket Racing Rules:
Sportsman (7.50 and slower)
Battery must be securely fastened with OEM hardware or two 3/8ths diameter bolts. All relocated batters must use 3/8ths bolts. Batteries relocated into the trunk must have a master cut off switch, and e isolated from the driver’s compartment with minimum .024 steel or .032 aluminum firewall. In lieu of firewall, battery may be sealed in a box made of steel or aluminum of the same thickness as the firewall, or in a NHRA accepted poly box. Box must be vented to the outside. If a fuel cell or pump is mounted in the trunk, the firewall rule applies.
Cooling system must be in good condition with no leaks, and must have a catch can of a minimum one pint (16fl oz.) capacity.
Carburetor must have a return spring beside the ones on the carb throttle shafts. Later fuel injected vehicles with internal cable mounted springs ok.
Any holes in firewall must be sealed with steel or aluminum of the above thickness.
Steering must be in good condition, and will be checked for excessive “play”. Brakes will be checked for pedal feel.
Wheel studs must all be present and accounted for. Stud must extend into the nut at least the diameter of the stud. Hub caps must be removed. Tires will be inspected for inflation, wear, etc. Must have a minimum 1/16th inch of tread.
Neutral safety switches!! Get it working before you come to the track!! An inoperative neutral safety switch is an accident looking for a place to happen!
Transmission brakes not allowed in Street or Sportsman.
Seatbelts mandatory. OEM belts are accepted down to 11.50 seconds. Belts must be in good condition and will be checked for proper operation. Seat must be securely mounted!
Traction devices…All traction devices that are not attached at the front must have a U-bolts or strap to prevent them from coming in contact with the track surface.
Gauges…fuel pressure gauges must be mounted outside of the passenger compartment if fuel is present at the gauge. A maximum 12 inches of rubber fuel line for connection purposes only allowed. We don’t want to see a piece of rubber hose coming off the pump, laying against a header pipe, and snaking across the intake to the carb. Get some hardline and do it right – it costs $10 and takes a half an hour to do. Maybe an hour if you’re not good at flaring. Plastic oil pressure gauge lines are frowned upon if the gauge is in the driver’s compartment.
You can run without a hood if you have air cleaners.
A Snell 2010 or better helmet is required. No muscle shirts or shorts. Shoes must be worn.
Pro (7.49 and faster)
These rules are in addition to the rules for 14 seconds and slower cars.
Driveshaft loop required on any car running 13.99 or quicker with slicks. Street tired cars require a driveshaft loop when running faster than 11.50.
A roll bar is required in convertibles running 11.00 to 13.49. Also, a 3 inch driver restraint system meeting SFI spec 16.1 is required in these cars. Restraint system must include a crotch strap, and be updated 2 year intervals from date of manufacture.
Arm restraints, and gloves meeting SFI spec 3.3/1 required in open bodied cars running quicker than 12 seconds.
A jacket meeting SPI spec 3.2A/1 is mandatory on all cars running 10.00 to 13.99 when equipped with AFTERMARKET supercharger or turbo, or when nitrous oxide is used, and cars have full OEM or .024 steel firewall. Drivers of cars without full OEM or 0.24 steel firewall require a jacket meeting SFI spec 3.2A/5 and gloves meeting SFI spec 3.3/1.
Metal screw in valve stems required on all tubeless tires, front and rear, on cars running quicker than 11.99.
Drivers of these cars should be aware that it is NOT legal to exceed 135 mph! Some cars will, due to limited traction or staged nitrous system not run quicker than 11.50, yet could exceed 135 mph. A whole new set of rules applies after 135 – certified chassis, 5 point restraints, neck collar trans and flexplate shield etc.
If you run a dune buggy type vehicle, check with tech before bringing it to the track, as they have a special set of rules.